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Increase by 50% scholarship aid to highly qualified students who will contribute to and benefit from the NMH experience


$65 million


  • $1.5 million: Fund a fully endowed scholarship to cover a student’s full four years

  • $250,000: Establish an endowed scholarship with naming and preference opportunities

  • $100,000: Fund an endowed scholarship with naming opportunity available to any deserving student

  • $10,000: Provide an annual scholarship to any deserving student with five consecutive years of giving to the NMH Fund.


  • With a minimum commitment of $100,000 to establish or augment an existing scholarship, pledged over five years (or less), the total commitment will be matched 1:1. ($1 million cap.)

  • This is a remarkable opportunity to double your investment in our historic commitment to broaden access and diversity.

Northfield Mount Hermon’s origin story is one of access. From the beginning, our doors opened to students who would benefit from and contribute to the NMH educational experience. The lives of generations of alumni have been changed because of our school’s ongoing commitment to ensuring access to highly qualified students from across the socioeconomic spectrum.

Scholarship support is the highest priority in our campaign because, quite simply, we believe in the power of an NMH education to transform lives. We embrace our responsibility to ensure that Northfield Mount Hermon is defined by common values and high standards, not by income levels.

Since 2019, we have increased the annual financial aid budget by nearly $3 million, resulting in more than 40 students attending who would not otherwise be able to do so. Meeting our campaign goal will sustain this level of growth and double it yet again. While highly aspirational, this goal is achievable. But it will require unprecedented growth in the NMH Fund and a new generation of donors endowing scholarships to ensure this support for decades to come.

This is the moment to solidify our historic commitment to broad access and diversity, primarily through a renewed emphasis on endowed scholarships — allowing the most promising and deserving students to join, influence, and inspire the NMH community.

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